Case quizzes & clinical hints

Adopt a very unique thinking proccess through 30+ case quizzes that will enable you to reduce a case to its most important aspects and to see the correct remedy faster and with more confidence. Get 26 clinical hints that are guaranteed to improve your practice as well.

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In this eBook, you will learn:
  • Different case taking strategies through more than 30 cases from my practice.
  • Deeper insight into many remedies allowing you to make a quick and effective differential diagnosis.
  • 26 clinical hints that are guaranteed to improve your practice immediately.
  • 8 materia medica quizzes just for fun :-)

The Book review by Alan Schmukler 

"Petr Zacharias is a homeopath for whom teaching comes naturally. He loves to do it and he’s very, very good at it. Petr is the founder and principal lecturer of the Prague College of Classical Homeopathy. He learned from some of the best classical homeopaths practicing today, including George Vithoulkas.

This little book, Case Quizzes And Clinical Hints, consists of 31 short case quizzes, 8 materia medica quizzes and 26 clinical hints. I enjoyed all of these and learned something from each one. There’s material of interest here for any homeopath, from the beginner to the seasoned practitioner.

Petr keeps these lessons brief, clear and simple. He works with uncommon precision, made possible by his wide knowledge of comparative materia medica. He combines this with clarity of analysis, which leads to accurate prescriptions. These little vignettes illustrate how to reduce a case to its most important aspects.

They also show how precision is necessary when choosing symptoms, paying strict attention to the patient’s words and meaning. You’ll be pleasantly surprised again and again when you see how he arrived at the simillimum.

The book is crammed full of useful tips that are guaranteed to improve how you practice. The clinical hints cover a number of areas and even include observations on how to relate to patients. In the end, this is not a plough through type book but rather an entertaining one that makes learning a pleasure."

Alan V. Schmukler, Chief Editor - Homeopathy 4 Everyone